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Frequently Asked Questions

An interview is scheduled for candidates in Nursery One while a written test is first administered to candidates in other classes, followed by an oral interview. Candidates are not considered for admission into terminal classes such as Class Six but transfers from sister schools are treated on a discretionary basis by the Heads of Schools.

A provisional Letter of Admission, Parents’ Undertaking, and Illness Indemnity forms are issued to successful candidates within the space of one week after the interview. Acceptance of admission must be communicated after payment of fees has been made in designated banks and proof of payment sent to the business office within a period of two weeks.

Parents receive a welcome pack giving them information on what and how they are expected to prepare the child(ren) for resumption. Tours are conducted on designated Open Days by each school, some before and some after the interviews; this is communicated to parents by individual schools.

Creche: 3 months
Playschool: 18 Months
Nursery One: 3 years
Primary: 5 Years
Secondary: 11 Years

All of our dedicated staff work together to plan lessons and activities in order to incorporate a combination of real-life scenarios, play experiences, problem solving opportunities and book work.

All of our dedicated staff work together to plan lessons and activities in order to incorporate a combination of real-life scenarios, play experiences, problem solving opportunities and book work.

School resumes at 7.00 am and closes at 1.00 pm. However, after-school activities run between 1.00 pm-2.00 pm, Mondays-Fridays.

Remote Learning: 7.30am

Yes, all Teeves primary schools run the same curriculum. The same applies to the Teeves secondary schools.

We run a revolving admission cycle for all our classes.

Admission from the nursery into the primary is automatic for only Corona pupils. A diagnostic reading assessment is administered at entry level to ascertain the level of readiness for each child. This is necessary to provide the required intervention and support for each child.

Application forms for Creche cost N30,000.00 (Thirty thousand naira) only.
Application forms for Playschool cost N20,000 (Twenty thousand naira) only.
Application forms for Nursery cost N15, 000.00 (Fifteen thousand naira) only.

Pupils across all classes can be transferred from one primary Corona School to another at any time within the school year based on availability of space. The secondary schools can be contacted directly for midstream admissions.